SALY Caravan

In 1975, we have been producing under the SALY brand since 1996 under the leadership of Erdal Başoğlu, who is part of the Başoğlu Family, the family that started caravan production in Turkey. It is no coincidence that SALY Caravans are on the move in Turkey and many other countries around the world. The confidence and comfort it gives to its drivers and users is what has brought us to this day. We are a family company with 100% domestic capital since its establishment, operating in 6.000 square meters open and 6.000 square meters closed production area in Sakarya, exporting caravans to more than 40 countries, Turkey’s leading caravan manufacturer with the widest model range.

With our reliable and strong staff, innovation and R&D studies, we closely follow the developments in our field all over the world and produce customized solutions according to the sector. With the awareness that caravanning is a way of life, the after-sales support we provide has made and continues to make SALY Caravan a growing family. We invite you to be a part of this family.

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